Interview in The Okinawa Times

A review of Dreamtime, followed by an interview in two parts:

"During my first trip in 2017, an Okinawan man, Hidemasa Taira, was run over and killed by a drunk marine and there were two military aircraft crashes involving first a nursery and then a school. Horrifying catastrophes that could have caused an uprising, were it not such a familiar story. If news of the first reached the international community it would have been as the death of a ‘Japanese’ man, and the truth of the issue and Japan’s complicity in it would not have been recognised. Most likely it was swept under the carpet by the SOFA...."

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3am Magazine reviews Dreamtime by Charlotte Newman

“Multiplicity characterises this novel … The story shape-shifts like the foxes of Japanese folklore, leaving it unclear in whom — or what — the reader can place their trust. Sea dragons thrash against chemical threat. Predators of old stalk new victims. Accents slip (and so do masks). The island of Okinawa itself is a place out of time — at once a theme park as well as a fortress; the cult of Americana imposes itself on the islanders who, try as they might, cannot escape its military boot …”

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Review of Dreamtime by Fiction Books

“This uniquely multi-layered, multi-genre storyline, is wonderfully textured, brutally and frighteningly intense, deep and rich in atmosphere, ever evolving and written by an author who has complete confidence in the visual imagery of her words to lift the narrative and dialogue from the pages and make it come sickeningly to life.”

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