Trauma Anthology - The Art of Lost Sleep

Trauma: Art as a Response to Mental Health

Trauma is an anthology of essays on mental health. Essays range from the personal to the political, from the raw to the reflective, exploring topics such as grief, insomnia, anxiety, schizophrenia, meditation, abusive relationships, work, post natal depression, and the relationship between madness and creativity.

Read Venetia’s contribution, The Art of Lost Sleep, or watch a video of her talking about it.

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Becoming an author - for King's College London

“I always wanted to be a writer, and I have always, from as far back as I can remember, written stories. Pretty much everything in my life, including a horrifying imagination, rolling insomnia and a proclivity for strange adventures and people, conspired to make this dream a reality and I arranged everything else to fit in with it.”

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From Jung to Trump - the puer aeternus

“The puer aeternus is a man-child, trapped in the fantasy and enchantment of childhood magic. He is Peter Pan, but he is also Russell Brand and Michael Jackson; he’s the 45 year old that still takes his washing home to mummy; he’s a womaniser, a misogynist, a narcissist… it’s possible he’s a megalomaniac with a saviour complex.”

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Cadiz Wandering

In 2015, I travelled in Spain, seeking to follow in the footsteps of some very distant relatives. Using their travel diaries as research, I wanted to see how the cities they visited - under the threat of revolution at the time - had changed over the intervening 160 years.

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